Monday, 22 August 2011


So much for a relaxing evening on the river! I seem to be going through  a bit of a (what's the opposite to purple? Green?) patch at the moment. Tonight looked so hopeful, a very gentle breeze, slightly overcast, insects hatching all over the place but how wrong it all went. I saw 2 rises in 2 hours fishing and managed to raise a couple but couldn't hook them up. Still even with the blank it would have been a lovely evening on the river with the gentle sunlight and warm breeze, that is if I hadn't witnessed the death of a good friend. With a nasty crack my 8'6'' 4# streamflex decided to become a 5 piece. I am absolutely gutted as I loved that rod and I know how notoriously bad the Grey's replacement policy is. Bugger or stronger words to that effect!!!


  1. May Mr. Grey 8'6''4#, rest in peace. Drat.

  2. You feel the crack in the pit of your stomach. Sorry for your loss. But, it does give you the opportunity to go shopping...
